From 085b8978b997a1a901a98926ddbe16459aa6a746 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Rini <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2019 11:59:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] gitlab/travis: Rework how and when we use virtualenv in order
 to use python3

As things stand today, we have tools that CI requires where "python"
must be "python2".  We need to use a virtualenv and pip in order to
ensure that our pytest tests can be run.  Rework things slightly so
- On Travis-CI, we install python-pyelftools for the platforms that
  require pyelftools to be installed.
- On GitLab-CI, we move to a newer base image that includes python3-pip
  and continue to use a virtualenv per job that needs it, for the
  correct set of packages.

Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
Tested-by: Stephen Warren <>
Tested-by: Simon Glass <> [on sandbox]
Signed-off-by: Tom Rini <>
 .gitlab-ci.yml | 10 ++++------
 .travis.yml    | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 5a34321570..9b295ac710 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Grab our configured image.  The source for this is found at:
-image: trini/u-boot-gitlab-ci-runner:bionic-20190912.1-03Oct2019
+image: trini/u-boot-gitlab-ci-runner:bionic-20191010-20Oct2019
 # We run some tests in different order, to catch some failures quicker.
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@ stages:
     - git clone --depth=1 git:// /tmp/uboot-test-hooks
     - ln -s travis-ci /tmp/uboot-test-hooks/bin/`hostname`
     - ln -s travis-ci /tmp/uboot-test-hooks/py/`hostname`
-    - virtualenv /tmp/venv
-    - . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
-    - pip install pytest
-    - pip install python-subunit
-    - pip install coverage
     - grub-mkimage --prefix="" -o ~/grub_x86.efi -O i386-efi normal  echo lsefimmap lsefi lsefisystab efinet tftp minicmd
     - grub-mkimage --prefix="" -o ~/grub_x64.efi -O x86_64-efi normal  echo lsefimmap lsefi lsefisystab efinet tftp minicmd
     - mkdir ~/grub2-arm
@@ -47,6 +42,9 @@ stages:
     # never prevent any test from running. That way, we can always pass
     # "-k something" even when $TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC doesnt need a custom
     # value.
+    - virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/venv
+    - . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
+    - pip install -r test/py/requirements.txt
     - export UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=/tmp/.bm-work/${TEST_PY_BD};
       export PATH=/opt/qemu/bin:/tmp/uboot-test-hooks/bin:${PATH};
       export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/uboot-test-hooks/py/travis-ci;
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index c50270de5f..2369da97f9 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ addons:
     - build-essential
     - libsdl1.2-dev
     - python
-    - python-virtualenv
+    - python-pyelftools
+    - python3-virtualenv
+    - python3-pip
     - swig
     - libpython-dev
     - iasl
@@ -47,11 +49,6 @@ install:
  - echo -e "arc = /tmp/arc_gnu_2018.09_prebuilt_uclibc_le_archs_linux_install" >> ~/.buildman
  - echo -e "\n[toolchain-alias]\nsh = sh2\n" >> ~/.buildman
  - cat ~/.buildman
- - virtualenv /tmp/venv
- - . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
- - pip install pytest
- - pip install python-subunit
- - pip install pyelftools
  - grub-mkimage --prefix="" -o ~/grub_x86.efi -O i386-efi normal  echo lsefimmap lsefi lsefisystab efinet tftp minicmd
  - grub-mkimage --prefix="" -o ~/grub_x64.efi -O x86_64-efi normal  echo lsefimmap lsefi lsefisystab efinet tftp minicmd
  - mkdir ~/grub2-arm
@@ -136,15 +133,6 @@ script:
    cp ~/grub_x64.efi $UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/;
    cp ~/grub2-arm/usr/lib/grub2/arm-efi/grub.efi $UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/grub_arm.efi;
    cp ~/grub2-arm64/usr/lib/grub2/arm64-efi/grub.efi $UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/grub_arm64.efi;
-   if [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" != "" ]]; then
-     ./test/py/ --bd ${TEST_PY_BD} ${TEST_PY_ID}
-       -k "${TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC:-not a_test_which_does_not_exist}"
-       --build-dir "$UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR";
-     ret=$?;
-     if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
-       exit $ret;
-     fi;
-   fi;
    if [[ -n "${TEST_PY_TOOLS}" ]]; then
@@ -154,6 +142,18 @@ script:
      ./tools/dtoc/dtoc -t;
+   fi;
+   if [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" != "" ]]; then
+     virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/venv;
+     . /tmp/venv/bin/activate;
+     pip install -r test/py/requirements.txt;
+     ./test/py/ --bd ${TEST_PY_BD} ${TEST_PY_ID}
+       -k "${TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC:-not a_test_which_does_not_exist}"
+       --build-dir "$UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR";
+     ret=$?;
+     if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+       exit $ret;
+     fi;